Capital City Christian Church Prayer Wall

Philippians 4:6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

prayer & praise Request form

Please fill out the prayer request form below and it will be added to our prayer sheet.  To receive special encouraging notification when your prayer request has been prayed for you will have to check the box "Receive email notification."  In addition, all prayer requests will have to be approved by the Prayer Wall Admin, and only those prayer requests that are identified as "PUBLIC" will show up on the Prayer Sheet at the bottom of this page.

Prayer Sheet

In this section you will find all the prayer requests that have been published and approved.  Please feel free click on the "Praying Hands" when you offer this prayer.  A special note of encouragement will be sent to the individual who placed the prayer request on our prayer wall.


Just gat a call from a lady who lives in Portland, Oregon. Her name is Barbara and she is asking for prayers for her 45 year old son, Richard, who needs freedom and protection from his drug addiction past. I told her we would pray for her and her son


Please pray with me I will be able to maintain the current position I have at my job. We're getting two new managers soon, and I have been repeatedly cautioned I could get thrown to the front end if they don't feel I'm doing an adequate job. I'm absolutely terrified it will come true this time. I NEED this position to stay full time -- otherwise, my hours will be cut a LOT. Finding additional work will NOT be easy for me.


Greetings, please pray that my illness Lupus does not start affecting any of my major organs. I was diagnosed in Dec. '22 and so far, it has not been attacking any major organs. Please also pray that my mom's health improves so that she can come off of oxygen! I believe that God can do both of these things! Thank you.


Best friends wife (Just married last summer), Ashley Johnson, has been having some health problems. Difficulty and painful breathing. Been in the hospital all weekend and its looking like cancer. Please keep them in prayer for Gods will to be done. For the physical and mental strength that will be needed to get through this one way or the other.


Please pray for wisdom & salvation for my son Jon Christian & his new wife Morgan. They don't speak to me but I pray God sends someone into their lives who loves Jesus to mentor them & keep them close to the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 54:13 the Lord promises me all my children will be taught by the Lord & great will be their peace.